Application Monitoring

Application monitoring helps businesses track the performance of software applications to identify and drill down into issues that occur during development and runtime. With the rise of SaaS applications and cloud-native infrastructure, application performance monitoring has become an essential tool for ensuring high-quality service for applications.

Benefits of Application monitoring:

  • Improve User Experience

  • Accelerate Developer Productivity (quickly isolate traces and surface patterns that help SREs and developers pinpoint problems impacting the user experience and overall application performance.)

AppSec Monitoring

Software vulnerabilities continue to be a huge target for attackers even after leveraging regular testing, code reviews, and the best scanning tools.

Organization’s security teams struggle to find and remediate vulnerabilities and this puts your environment at risks.

Vulnerabilities in applications are among the most significant threats because many issues are the result of an application’s logic and design and aren’t readily identified by automated scanning software programs.

Benefits of Application Monitoring

Increase Customer Satisfaction
Happier customers attract others, and they usually become brand-loyal, long-term users of an app. The baseline objective is to have fewer bugs and crashes, so we can provide a platform that makes our users content.
Improve End-User Experience
A fast and responsive software is the basis of UX, and application performance monitoring software can help you identify any related issues.
Reduce Downtime
If 1% of 1 million customers can’t connect, that’s 10K unhappy users, which we can avoid if we proactively monitor app performance and reduce downtime.
Become More Objective
Use data to drive decisions on what needs to be fixed first. Backlog prioritization should be driven by data, instead of a hunch. Using APM software can guide you to prioritize based on what’s important for your users, so you can improve user experience and customer satisfaction.
Advanced Productivity
In order to improve your development team productivity, you need to get to the route cause of what is causing longer cycle times in the development process. Try to proactively spot bugs and issues with proper testing, reduce unnecessary meetings, and prioritize improvements that hold value add to your users.
Cut Down Costs on Experts
APM software provides you insights to identify the problem, define the remedy, as a result, your senior team can focus on implementing a solution, instead of spending days on the investigation.
Behavior detection

Monitor scripts in real-time: the source, execution behavior, outgoing network destinations & more.

Prioritized real-time alerts

Get security event alerts each with risk scores and insights on how to mitigate those scripts.

Flexible deployment

Deploy at the edge or from origin. Protect every website with our best security services.